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Our Policies

1. Communication with parents

We firmly believe that close co-operation and communication with parents has a profound effect on the service we can offer. The nursery does all it can to encourage and enable comprehensive communication to take place between parents and staff. The Nursery Manager or your child's key worker may be approached at any time to discuss matters of your child's welfare, at a time convenient to both parties. Every child will have a FAMLY account set up before they start at Happy Feet. You will receive brief details of routines and activities your child has been doing throughout the week. There is also provision for parents to put written comments such as feedback or essential information for the coming day. In addition, written reports are compiled giving indications of progress in key areas of child development. 


2. Safety and Security

Providing a safe and secure environment for both children and staff is of prime importance at all times and is never compromised. Children will not be left unsupervised in the nursery rooms, outside in the play area or when off the premises. Staff to children ratios are followed as to national standards.

Entrances to the premises will be kept locked at all times. All visitors must wait in the hall downstairs for a senior member of staff, after signing in you will be welcomed into the setting. This security ensures that no person can gain access unannounced.

Children can only be handed over to parents or careers known to the staff or to other nominated individuals whose names have been lodged with the Nursery on the Registration Form, in advance with a password. In the event that staff members are suspicious as to the identity of anyone seeking to collect a child, the nursery will contact a parent before the child is released.


3. Care and Discipline

Loving care and concern is fundamental to the healthy growth of all children. A Key worker is allocated to each child whose responsibility it is too closely monitor the child's progress and welfare. The small and intimate nature of the Nursery encourages all staff to get to know all the children so in many ways, the model of a larger extended family is more appropriate. Although for many activities, children will be grouped according to age with their Key workers; there are also other occasions when larger gatherings take place such as at meal-times, story time, musical activities or outings. Each and every child will always be treated as an individual.

In cases of anti-social behaviour, staff will endeavor to explain why such behaviour is not acceptable. This may prove to be an on-going process. Children may be asked to spend time to reflect and calm down with a member of staff playing or drawing.

Staff members work together so that the children see them acting in accordance with the aims and policies of the Nursery at all times. This avoids the problem of sending them mixed messages. Parents will be consulted if the behaviour of their child causes undue concern so that any issues can be more fully discussed. Smacking, physical punishment, or withholding of food are not acceptable sanctions. Any recommendations or suggestions concerning an individual child are treated confidentially and are openly discussed with parents.

4. Curriculum

The Nursery places high importance to the intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical development of all children in its care. The activities on offer are planned and reviewed on a regular and frequent basis to cater for the individuals concerned, the seasons, festivals, local opportunities and events. Children are encouraged to participate but care is taken not to put undue pressure on a child who prefers not to actively take part.

We follow the The early years foundation stage (EYFS) this sets standards for the learning, development and care of your child from birth to 5 years old.

All schools and Ofsted-registered early years providers must follow the EYFS, including childminders, preschools, nurseries and school reception classes.

The EYFS only applies to schools and early years providers in England. There are different early years standards in Scotland and Wales.

Areas of learning

Your child will mostly be taught through games and play.

The areas of learning are:

  • communication and language

  • physical development

  • personal, social and emotional development

  • literacy

  • mathematics

  • understanding the world

  • expressive arts and design


Your child’s progress will be reviewed when they’re between 2 and 3 by an early years practitioner or health visitor.

Their class teacher will assess them at the end of the school year when they turn 5.


5. Meals and Snacks

Careful consideration is given to what is offered to the children throughout the day. We are registered with a catering company 'Zebedees' who supply a cooked meal served at 12.00pm. While the tastes and preferences of the individual are recognised, children will be encouraged to partake of the full and varied diet on offer. Click logo to see the menu. We will provide a mid morning snack and mid afternoon snack of fruit and vegetables. We ask the parents provide their child a health cold tea.

Zebedees logo
Data Protection

6. Equal Opportunities for All

We make every effort to provide the care and opportunities to everyone to enable them to maximise their potential irrespective of race, ability or disability, gender or religion. Amongst our equipment, we maintain a range of resources and toys which give the children an understanding of the multicultural society. We will endeavour to be sympathetic to cultural and religious customs. We have adopted local authority guidance to promote race equality in our day care setting.

7. Special Educational Needs

We will be sympathetic and responsive where special educational needs are identified or brought to our attention. Reports from external professionals will be noted and subsequent advice shall be implemented within the nursery routines. Individuals will be internally assessed on a regular basis and from this, their on-going needs will be determined. We will then formulate an action plan in consultation with the parents so that the child continues to develop and learn to their full potential.

8. Sun Awareness

The dangers of over exposure to direct sunlight, especially during the summer months are well understood and every care is taken to ensure that children are not over exposed to the sun at any time. In order to assist the nursery to protect children from the sun, parents are expected to provide a named sun hat for use during nursery hours. Children are expected to wear their hat when outside in the sunshine. Sun block should be applied prior to the children entering nursery. If a further application is required half way through the day please make sure there is a named sun cream in your Childs gym bag on their peg, and you have signed the appropriate form. Play activities are monitored to ensure that children have periods of time in areas of shade to prevent them from becoming overheated or dehydrated.

9. Personal Hygiene

Routine is the key to ensuring that the highest standards of personal hygiene of both children and staff are maintained. Toilet training is one of the most significant skills to be learned by a child therefore all children are monitored after going to the toilet to ensure that they wash their hands properly. Similarly, before eating, all children have their hands washed and when appropriate, will be encouraged to wash their own. In order to minimise the possibility of the spread of infections, to the staff or other children, staff members will wear disposable gloves and apron each time they change a nappy and when administering First Aid in situations which involve bleeding cuts. These are positioned in all areas of the nursery units. In cases of infestation of head lice, nits, etc., the nursery must insist that the child is treated immediately. Only after this is done, may the child be readmitted.


10. Records, Confidentiality and Data Protection

A file will be maintained by the nursery for each individual child. These are held confidentially and will not be made available to any other person who does not have Statutory Authority to view them. The file of an individual will be made available by request from the parent or guardian. As required by the Data Protection Act 2018, we are registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

11. Arrangements when Children are ill

The following paragraph is quoted from the Contract which parents must agree too before care commences.
Hassocks Happy Feet Nursery cannot undertake the care of sick children. The nursery must be informed of any child illnesses, sickness or problems before attempting to bring the child to the premises. Each case can then be considered strictly on an individual basis. 

In the interests of other children and staff it will be necessary to exclude any child who has been diagnosed with certain contagious illnesses and diseases. This exclusion will remain in force until the condition has been cleared by the child's doctor. The current list of illnesses includes:- chicken pox, mumps, rubella, measles, etc."

A comprehensive list is available on request. All cases of gastroenteritis should be regarded as infectious. Children must be kept at home for forty eight hours until the diarrhoea and vomiting bug has cleared. The final twenty four of these the child should be eating as normal. If a child becomes ill or unduly distressed during nursery hours, one or other of the parents will normally be informed by telephone. After discussion, it may be decided that it is necessary for the child to be collected earlier than normal. If we are unable to contact parents or secondary contacts in an emergency we hold the power to deal with the situation wherever we feel fit.


12. Administering of Medication

In order for the nursery to administer any medication to a child, full details must be given in advance and the written permission authorised on a Medical Permissions Form. The details will include:- Name of Medicine, Dose Times, Special Instructions and the dated signature of the parent. Staff will follow the instructions on the Medical Permissions Form.

13. Administering of First Aid

All staff joining the nursery either already hold a first aid certificate or are expected to attend a recognised Paediatric First Aid course. This includes instruction which specifically covers administering First Aid to infants and children. On-going training is undertaken to renew the Certificate on a regular basis.

14. Child Protection Procedures

The nursery will make every effort to be vigilant for cases of 'Child Abuse.' If there are any suspicions of child abuse we will act in accordance with the advice and guidelines laid down in the document - Protecting Children from Abuse.

15. Complaints Procedure

If you ever feel that we are falling short of our stated aims please speak to the manager, Donna Makey If need be, we will ask you to put your concerns in writing to us. We with investigate the matter and respond to you in writing as soon as possible, but within 28 days. If the matter is not resolved and you continue to be dissatisfied with our response, you may contact OFSTED, who will investigate your complaint. Email us

17. Staffing

Our staff at the Nursery hold the relevant qualifications required for their position in the nursery, or are undergoing training. We ensure that a recognised DBS check is undertaken before staff are allowed direct contact with the children.

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